lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010


Hoy 31 de Mayo de 2010 he terminado mi trabajo sobre el aborto. Estoy esperando la corrección para modificar los errores y proximamente lo imprimire para entregarlo a mi profesor.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010



fa un dies que no actualize el blog, però el treball està més avançat, una vegada vaig acabar d'escriure la história de l'abort, he començat amb els tipus d'abort, i amb els métodes abortius, despres amb les conseqüensies físiques y psicologiques que duu l'abort.

viernes, 23 de abril de 2010

ENGLISH - a trip to Italy

Last year I travelled to Italy by boat. I like Italy because it is a very large city whit many people. We visited the Coliseum and The Fontana Di Trevi where you can throw a coin. Typical food is pizza. Shopping in Italy was fun, there were many stores, but also very expensive and there were markets where they sold handmade products. Museums were amazing and the visit to the Vaticano was superb. It is a beautifull city and I hope to visit it again.

ENGLISH - unusual story

It all began when my brother and I walked through the mountain and suddely we found strange footprints. Then we continued up to a very dark cave and entered. In the strange cave there were drawings which we didn't understand. As it was getting which we went home. The next day, Anna decided to return with us tosee it. Anna is our neighbour. We returned to the cave, and then we heard a strange sound. Anna was scared but she followed her way and entered the cave to find out where the sound proceeded. That's when she realized thet. There wasn't danger that it was a mouse that ran through the cave. In the end, we went home and wrote in my diary everything that had.

ENGLISH a friend

Hi Gloria.
How are you? I hope everything is well. My holidays in France are still very funny. I met very nice people, but disorganised. The food was very good, but very expensive. I visited many monuments. Here there are a lot of cars, so I took a bike and I have travelled around the city. We miss a souroe photographs and beautiful parks.
There like this all? Haved I missed? I hope to hear from you soon.
Love you, Marta

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010


He empezado a buscar informacion sobre los tipos de aborto que existen. He encontrado informacion en estas paginas:

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


hoy, Lunes e temrinado el apartado de mi trabajo que trata sobre la historia del aborto redactando la informacion sobre ele stado del aborto actualmente. He enciontrado informacion en esta pagina:

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


Hoy he empezado a redacatar el principio de mi trabajo que empieza con la historia en el mundo, y luego en España sobre el aborto. He guardado en docs la información que ya he redactado.ña.html

miércoles, 14 de abril de 2010


Esta es mi primera entrada porque no me funcionava el blog. El trabajo de documentación que estoy trabajando trata sobre el aborto. Por ahora llevo consultada la pagina de
Empezare mi trabajo hablando sobre que es el aborto y los tipos que hay. despues explicare la historia desde el principio hasta dia de hoy sobre el aborto. y mañana empezare a trabajar con los métodos para abortar.
Marta :)